

Ligne été

du 29 juin au 31 août 2024

Free shuttle service in Alpe d'Huez

To make your life easier for staying in Alpe d'Huez, The city hall arranged shuttle bus services corporated by The Resalp company.

Save time with Resalp shuttle bus !

So that your trip takes place in the best conditions, we suggest you to follow in real time the route of the shuttle by geolocalization, as well as its times of passage to the various stops.

And because the air is pure in the mountains, and we want it to remain, the shuttles on which you will take place respect the environment. Indeed, we are proud to welcome travelers on board of the first hybrid bus which is compliant with the most demanding in terms of environmental friendliness.

If every year, about 2 million travelers trust Resalp, it is also because drivers who drive coaches are trained to drive on snowy roads, the fruit of know-how recognized in other ski resorts in the Alps.

The Alpe d'Huez bus network consists of a line running from 29th June to 31st August 2024.

Shuttle summer plan 2024